For this class the teacher asked to take ours articles so that it was giving a tips of as translating them, and later as every friday we went away to the laboratory of english.
In this class the teaches asked read what we had written the previous class on what we had known about the videos... when we all stop reading, we went away to the laboratory of English to keep on practising our English with the software of rossetta stone.
The first talking about of egipcian civilization and the gods of the sky, and it is say Osaris was killed by his brother Seth... Isis change a bird and flew with body's husband for the sky. Osiris is the god of resurecction.
The second video talking of mystery about of the death of sharks in the acuarium. When a person for the night saw, a gigant octopus was killed a little sharks.
In this class the teacher gave a list of verbs in infinite, past and participle past, and asked us the verbs in past to classify them in accordance with his termination and to look in the dictionary his pronunciation... Attitude consistencial